
  • Tripod Teaches Me to Sing

    The day I found out the magical, otherly-abled deer who adopted me was pregnant, something in me quickened, too. Mother Nature is my most excellent teacher. My human teachers always echoed what I’d heard before in the forest. My human teachers are of Nature, too–as I am, but it’s tempting to get lost in the…

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  • Tripod, Blackberry, Blossom, and Life’s Promise

    Tripod first showed herself to me this past winter. Winter, here, is cold and wet, dark and sometimes lonely. It is easy to grieve in this kind of winter. Tears fall easy with the rain, and the light from fireplaces warms broken hearts into a new years’ springtime. I looked out this winter day from…

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  • Hello world!

    Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

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